Just as technology is evolving in our society, so does the farming industry. From the development of agriculture, to the invention of the plow, and to the awakening of agricultural chemicals, the way farming is being done is constantly changing. In an effort to feed people by a more easier and productive manner, the food has become full of chemicals that are harmful to our health and leading us to many of the diseases, we are facing today such as obesity, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Agriculture has become more dependent on resources manufactured off the farm, such as agricultural chemicals and fossil fuels. A greater dependence on synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides are producing hormones and antibiotics to help promote the speed growth of plants and animals. We name it as inorganic farming.
Chemical fertilizers are significant for the cost-effective production of commercial crops, and have been since the 1930. With the growing population of our country and high cost of living, a bountiful harvest ensures that enough food is available for everyone at affordable prices. However, using these chemical fertilizers do have their hidden dangers.
Soil: These chemical fertilizers can result in groundwater contamination and other environmental effects. The purpose of any fertilizer is to increase the amount of nutrients in soil that make it more fertile and friendly for plant to grow. There are mainly two types of fertilizers, organic and chemical. As the name suggests, organic fertilizers come from organic sources such animal manure, compost and plants. Chemical fertilizers are inorganic materials, which undergo chemical treatments. Being cost-effective, inorganic farming gives farmers more control over their crop production at the right price. It allows farmers to produce more or high-quality crops in the short-term, but may lead to fewer or poor quality crops in the long term. This is because of the intricacies of soil health.
Environment: Much like we humans, the soil also needs a delicate balance of nutrients to remain healthy. One of the problems with inorganic farming is that, they seep through the soil into the groundwater and other water sources, leading to contamination. Chemical in small quantities is non-toxic, but a lot can kill the balance of nature in various ways. Nitrogen in the water can remain for many years, so it will continue to affect the environment even without adding more. Another problem with nitrogen is it contributes to the greenhouse effect. Dubbed the "other greenhouse gas" nitrogen is just as bad as carbon dioxide in global warming, but is not as famous. Power plants and cars are main source of nitrogen in the atmosphere but using more nitrogen fertilizers than crop plants can absorb, plays a significant role.
Human issues: At the very least, food crops produced using chemical fertilizers may not be as nutritious as they should be when produces naturally. This is because in inorganic farming, chemical fertilizers trade fast growth for health in plants, resulting in crops that have less nutritional value. Plants will grow on little more, but they will be missing or developing less of essential nutrients such as calcium, zinc, and iron. This can have a small though cumulative effect on the health of people that consume them. Chemical fertilizers can lead to increase in the risks of developing cancer in adults and children and adversely affecting fetal brain development.
Chemical fertilizer is useful to some extent but they also have hidden dangers. Whether used in farming or in lawn, applying more than the plants can absorb, results in damage to the environment and human health. Because the damage caused by chemical fertilizers is often long-term and cumulative, it may be wiser to consider alternative and sustainable as well organic methods of farming and fertilizing the soil.